Linode and the Bitcoin Blockchain

Anyone have experience with the bitcoin daemon on linode?

Just to be very clear, absolutely no private keys - that's not the purpose and I'm not dumb enough to have private keys on a linode.

But the new $5.00 linodes look like they have plenty of storage for the blockchain.

The purpose would be a server (three at different centers if it works) that I trust from which my bitcoin e-commerce web applications could query the status of pending payments, similar to what can already be done with but without needing to worry about being blocked for too many queries or needing to trust the integrity of the people running the service.

With three at different centers, that allows for two in case one is temporarily down and I can verify the payment status by making sure it matches from all three (or two if one is down) and at $5.00 a month it seems very cost effective for the peace of mind.

So - anyone here have experience running bitcoind on a linode? Anything in particular to watch out for?


4 Replies

Looks like to do what I want to do, I'll actually need and rather than bitcoind


you can share your experience how to solve this problem. the link you provided no longer works


The two links:

work for me. I don't have any experience doing this. I only checked the operability of the URLs…

-- sw

The two links:

work for me. I don't have any experience doing this so I can't comment on that. I only checked the operability of the URLs…

-- sw


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