What Tier / Package Do I Have?

Ok, this question may border on the edge of ridiculousnous, but let me ask anyway…

How can I tell (via DNS Manager or anywhere) what package I have?

Let me explain. I hired someone to manage my VPS and we agreed on the package from Linode plus his monthly fee. I can see the dashboard etc…, but I don't see where it says the plan I'm on. As I type this, I realize that Linode only has certain plans and if I have 4000GB per month, I must at least be on the Linode 8GB plan (duh).

So I think I just answered my own question, but another question is how can I be sure I'm the only one on my VPS? Can the person I hired to manage the VPS put other sites on there without my knowledge? I currently have a few sites on there, but I want to make sure no others from another company are on there as well. Is there a way to do this?


2 Replies

If you login at https://manager.linode.com/ you should see a list of your linodes with the size in the "Plan" column. If you click into one of them, it doesn't appear the plan shows up (sounds like that's the screen you're on).

Thanks, I see under plan it says 81xx I'm assuming that means the 8GB plan. And there's no "size" column listed. Thanks for the reply.


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