Upgrading Mysql3 to Mysql4 on Redhat 9 small.

how do i upgrade from MySQL version 3.23.58 to

mysql 4.

i'm a noobie and running on redhat 9 small

15 Replies

If you have DB's in 3.x right now, backup them up and remove mysql3, and to use mysql4 I personally prefer to grab the rpm's from there site.

http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/4.0.html (grab the Server, Client, Libs/Headers, Dynamic Client Libs, and Embedded server. Install all of them. and then you can reimport whatever data you may have.

To "backup" and "restore" i recommend dumping rather than file copying.

To dump a database you can use the integrated "mysqldump" utility BEFORE removing mysql 3.23. You would simply issue

# dump [database name] > ~/db1.sql

You do that with all your databases (if you issue "mysqldump" without a database paramater it will dump all databases, including the "mysql" database which might not have the same structure in v4.x). Then, you remove v3.23, install v4.0 (v4.1 is still dev so its your choice) and atfer you get a new v4 working, open up the mysql client as root and import your databases from the files you dumped like this:

# mysql -p
create database [dumped database name];
use [dumped database name];
source ~/db1.sql;

You repeat the "create … use .. source" steps for each dumped db.

This is a safe way to export import data. Dumping using "mysqldump" outputs pure SQL code which is sourced with no problems by future clients as oposed to copying the database files from the old v3.23 …

Hope this helped. Cheers.

i know a bit but i'm still not sure how to install all the mysql4 packages .

mysql3 was already installed, so i didnt have to do anything.

where do i place the packages i've d/l , and what commands do i do step by step, i'm soz if i'm asking to much but really need this help, cheers

also how do i unistall mysql3

any help would be cool cheers

does anyone here do tutorials to help newbie linode users, or is it just a forum for advanced linux users ?

coss i noticed a tutorial section. but nothing in there about upgrading to mysql4

and upgrading to php 4.3

cheers for any help or pointers in the right direction to a forum for linux newbies

Have you tried to follow the official docs?

They explain ho wto get mysql4 installed and cover all installation methods (rpm, sources, etc). Try look it up there first.


If you have DB's in 3.x right now, backup them up and remove mysql3, and to use mysql4 I personally prefer to grab the rpm's from there site.

http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/4.0.html (grab the Server, Client, Libs/Headers, Dynamic Client Libs, and Embedded server. Install all of them. and then you can reimport whatever data you may have.

i unistalled mysql3 like said

and installed all the mysql4 packages like said.

but now when i try to start apache i get this error

Failed to start apache :

Starting httpd: Syntax error on line 6 of /etc/httpd/conf.d/auth_mysql.conf:

Cannot load /etc/httpd/modules/modauthmysql.so into server: libmysqlclient.so.10: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


what do i do now ?

Try running the "ldconfig" command as root, and then try starting Apache up again - that might help.


Try running the "ldconfig" command as root, and then try starting Apache up again - that might help.

i tried typing idconfig as root and got reply

bash: idconfig: command not found

am i doing something wrong ?



Try running the "ldconfig" command as root, and then try starting Apache up again - that might help.

i tried typing idconfig as root and got reply

bash: idconfig: command not found

am i doing something wrong ?

It's an l, not an i.

And in my opinion this forum isn't really suited to barrages of questions like 'how do i upgrade the php on linux redhat small.' - try somewhere like www.linuxquestions.org which has a huge database of posts :)

thanks i'll try that

i'm sorry i thought this forum was a community of linode users to help each other out. :wink:

so what is this forum for ? please answer thanks


thanks i'll try that

i'm sorry i thought this forum was a community of linode users to help each other out. :wink:

so what is this forum for ? please answer thanks

You're right, but it's not really suited for users new to Linux. Personally, I just google pretty much everything and come up with what I need 90% of the time.

In the end if you RTFM and search for any problems and howtos on google.

Then if you dont find anything post a message with the problem and someone may be able to help.

It also helps if you set the subject of the thread to the actual problem.



but now when i try to start apache i get this error

Failed to start apache :

Starting httpd: Syntax error on line 6 of /etc/httpd/conf.d/auth_mysql.conf:

Cannot load /etc/httpd/modules/modauthmysql.so into server: libmysqlclient.so.10: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


what do i do now ?
So … where is the file modauthmysql.so on your system? (hint: man find)


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