Node Balance create API
I am writing script and using linode API to create linode servers & Node balancers. I am attaching Linode servers(nodes) with the Node balancers. My rest of workflow is dependent of given name convention.
My question is -
I am trying to create a NodeBalancer through the api i,e. nodebalancer.create. I passed DatacenterID & Label parameters.
//php code to create node balancer through api
$linode = new ServicesLinode($apikey);
$params = array('DatacenterID'=> '9', 'Label'=>'PERF-NB');
$a = $linode->nodebalancer_create($params);
The NodeBalancer is being created under given datacenterid i,.e Singapore but Label is still 'balancer21858'. Label is not taking from given parameter. Even I tried nodebalancer_update with custom Label 'Label'=>'PERF-NB' but also it is not updating the label name.
//php code
$updateparams = array('NodeBalancerID' => $nodebalancerid, 'Label'=>'PERF-NB' );
$a = $linode->nodebalancer_update($updateparams);
Can any one please guide where I am doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
1 Reply
Same goes for your Update code as well.