Unable to copy disk image over SSH
I follow the steps in this guide:
I sat the linode on rescue mode.
I fire up my lish via terminal.
I set the root password.
I open a new terminal (local) and entered the command "
I enter the password but then nothing happens….and by that I mean, the shell just returns right away as if a had control-C….and that is all.
what am I doing wrong? What changed?
4 Replies
Try just: ssh root@ipaddress when booted into rescue mode (after setting root pass and starting ssh). You may need to remove a line from your local known_hosts file.
i.e. for passwordless access and disabled root login, that you would need to temporarily disable those security protection settings prior to being able to perform the ssh-based dd command, and then re-enable it afterwards .
Or, does the linode's rescue mode act differently? does rescue mode allow root@linode-IP ssh despite the normal protection?