Invoice wrongly calculated

Looks like each other invoice in Linode are wrongly calculated with an addition of 1 hour cost.

I do recommend other customers to check your invoices.

3 Replies

4. Open a ticket

  1. It would help if you posted a screenshot of your invoice, and note any changes you've made to your account this month. You're probably not taking something into consideration.

Thank you for the inquiry, I'm sure we can definitely figure out what is going on.

Contacting support will be the best way to figure out how it is all being charged exactly, as they'll have access to your account's billing details to figure it out.

To note, if you're being charged for an extra hour, it likely means that your Linodes were on for just over an hour. Linode charges are rounded up, meaning if you created a Linode for say 20 seconds, it would be charged for one hour since that's our smallest form of payment for a Linode. Likewise, this means that if a Linode is up for 1 hour and 20 seconds, you would be charged for 2 hours.

Thanks for the reply.

These errors are happening in one each 2 invoices in the last weeks. I havent had time to Go over all my invoices yet to be sure how long its happening. But my guess is that this is more like a recurrent bug.

I have opened a support case with 3 examples of evidences.


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