MySQL Remote Access

Hi. I just setup a Linode and made a complete LAMP installation. I'm trying to access MySQL through MySQL WorkBench but I'm getting a connection error:

> Can't connect to MySQL server error 111

This is what I've tried so far:

  • Commented out the "bind-address" option on the my.cnf file or just setting it to or *

  • Grant all permissions to 'root'@'%' and the user I created ('user'@'%'), and flushed privileges.

  • Restarted mysql service

Do you know what I might be missing in order to connect remotely to MySQL?


1 Reply

Make sure you activate a firewall, it sounds like you may not have one active.

To then connect to MySQL behind your firewall from anywhere in the world, set up an ssh reverse tunnel from your client.

If your client is Windows, there are some tools that work well, Putty and Bitvise Tunnelier among others, I prefer the latter.

For a Linux Desktop client, a Bash script can set up the tunnel and start MySQL Workbench running too.

Linodes have so much RAM now, you could run secure, remote desktop on the Linode and just run MySQL Workbench remotely on the same Linode and VNC in.


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