Why do I get a "Connection Timed Out" error when using PuTTY?

i've just created a centos 7 server. i first time try to login using putty with public address provided.

But the putty can't connect, and only error message "Network error : connection timed out".

Anyone know what is the problem?

5 Replies

oh, it seems it didn't booted : (

You be surprised how often this happens to people - me included! Glad you got things up and running again :)


You be surprised how often this happens to people - me included! Glad you got things up and running again :)

I'm getting the same network connection error. Other than a boot, what else could the problem arise from?

Check and make sure your network is up. Check and make sure that port 22 is open in your firewall (or whatever port you set ssh to use).



You be surprised how often this happens to people - me included! Glad you got things up and running again :)

I'm getting the same network connection error. Other than a boot, what else could the problem arise from?

Quite a few things, the two places you wanna check is your PuTty settings. Make sure it's the right IP and port. The second place is within your server, run commands such as 'iptables-save' to see if you have any rules in place blocking the connection and 'netstat -plntu' to see what port your SSH is listening on. Hope this helps, good luck!


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