First time customer here (coming from DigitalOcean). A bit frustrating.

Since few days ago, after I made a research about packages that linode has offered I have planned to migrate from Digital Ocean to Linode. Yesterday I wanted to start using linode but I had problem making payment but today I managed to solve this problem my own.

Ok. Now, I have setup my account, I installed CentOS 7. I followed the getting started tutorial and there is another problem (packet dropping):

I got this error when issuing command 'yum update'.

~~![](<URL url=)" />

Is this related to the DDOS attack on a new fresh sever installation? Please guide me. The reason I'm using this forum instead of opening ticket is that, I had question that had not been answered for more than 4 hours.

Anyone can help?~~

3 Replies

Hello Arafatx, I'm sorry you were seeing this issue! There's a good chance that we had a huge influx of tickets at the time, and I'm very sorry you had waited so long!

Hopefully you've gotten to a resolution with them, but if they haven't gotten to your ticket yet, please inform me of the ticket # and I'll make sure it gets attention.

Now it's working fine.

There was once I wasted time in a whole day not doing anything just to wait for the answer that I and other people cannot fix it. A fast customer support is really nice to have ^_^. That's the only best thing.

I will keep supporting you guys for giving a high spec VPS with cheaper price compared to Digital Ocean ^_^

Ah I'm glad things are working out!

We definitely want to help the best we can, if this issue comes up and you're just not getting the answer after that much time, give us a call:

Definitely more of a last ditch thing, but we don't want to have stuck you in the dark. We're happy to have you with us :)


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