SYN flood to ircd port
BTW, what is the policy on bw usage in this situation? Surely I'm not expected to pay for BS traffic like this? Especially when I'm not even running an IRC server.
3 Replies
Yeah, some software firewall would help if you don't want portsentry automatically blocking IPs. Any firewall should do.
That's actually a technique that I often use when doing a pen-test on a network with reactive IDS/IDP. You'd be surprised how effective spoofing attack packets from upstream DNS servers can be at getting the IDS/IDP turned off. Especially if you start the spoofing on Friday evening. Most admins will just disable it for the weekend so that they don't have to come in and tweak things on their days off. ;)
We do all blocking by hand and we monitor 24/7 with specialists. Of course, I don't work for an ISP, either. I work in a federal facility that thrives on neutralizing attacks and viruses. We just laugh at port scans and we've never been DoS'd or DDoS'd. I don't think anyone would have the stones to do that and even if they did, I doubt it would be effective.
For a person with a Linode seeing huge scans from multiple IPs, I do suggest portsentry and hope the guy(s) on the other end aren't too bright, or you can just deal with it. Jumping through hoops to get the IP changed won't help if the person can find the IP again. Either that, or just manually use a firewall and create rules by hand (and broadening the rules…I wouldn't hesitate to block huge net ranges, at least for the duration of the attack). Other than those suggestions, there's not much you can do, IMO.