Linode SSD Array

Purely curious, after reading through their blog and knowing the obvious SSD RAID is being used, but… does that mean that every user linode is automatically redundant from SSD failure?

I have account backups and system file backups via WHM… but just want to know if it would really take catastrophic failure to lose an entire linode when hosted on SSD RAID and that each Linode isn't just partitioned across single SSD's or such, giving data a time based lifespan before failure.

Purely curious novice here.

2 Replies


Purely curious, after reading through their blog and knowing the obvious SSD RAID is being used, but… does that mean that every user linode is automatically redundant from SSD failure?

I have account backups and system file backups via WHM… but just want to know if it would really take catastrophic failure to lose an entire linode when hosted on SSD RAID and that each Linode isn't just partitioned across single SSD's or such, giving data a time based lifespan before failure.

Purely curious novice here.

A single SSD failure won't result in data loss on Linode hosts. Multiple failures can and do happen, as much as Linode tries to prevent them, and in the right circumstances can result in data loss. RAID is not the same as backups, and backups are not the same as RAID.

Thank dwfreed, appreciated.


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