How to upgrade my image from CentOS 6.2 to CentOS 7?
I have linode on CentOS6.2 image. I'd like to upgrade to CentOS 7, but I can't find the documentation for this upgrade. I found docs for Ubuntu from 14 to 16, but failed to find yum package with similar name 'update-manager-core'. Can someone point me to the documentation/direction on how to do it?
3 Replies
Spin up a new Linode, install CentOS 7, copy over your data and configurations, test. When you're happy that all is working well, swap IPs between the old and new servers. Then cancel the old one.
I've done the same you're now aiming in the following way..
1 - backed Up all my data, including MySQL dump to my databases;
2 - resized my linode and created a new disk;
3 - created a new configuration profile for second disk and did a fresh install of CentOS 7;
At this time I can boot my Linode with CentOS 6.2 or CentOS 7… It meets my needs beautifully!
For steps 2 and 3, see here:
For fresh install, just go thru the Getting Started Guide as it includes centOs7 install:
Hope it helps,