varnish and apache

Hi all,

thanks for help, I have a question:

I installed varnish and apache, I configured Varnish in this mode:

backend default {

.host = ""; # IP address of your backend (Apache, nginx, etc.)

.port = "8080"; # Port your backend is listening on

.connect_timeout = 5s;

.firstbytetimeout = 10s;

.betweenbytestimeout = 10s;

.probe = {

.url = "/";

.timeout = 500ms;

.interval = 1s;

.window = 10;

.threshold = 8;



sub vcl_recv


Do not cache, the admin area,

logged-in users or POST requests

if ( ~ "" ||

req.url ~ "^/admin" ||

req.http.Cookie ~ "logged_in" ||

req.request == "POST")


return (pass);


if (req.url ~ "(?i).(png|gif|jpeg|jpg|ico|swf|css|js|html|htm)(\?[a-z0-9]+)?$") {

unset req.http.Cookie;


if (!req.backend.healthy) {

unset req.http.Cookie;


Set Grace Time to one hour

set req.grace = 1h;


sub vcl_fetch


Set the TTL for cache object to five minutes

set beresp.ttl = 10m;

Set Grace Time to one hour

set beresp.grace = 2h;


and apache work to port 8080.

I wish varnish serve static pages in the cache even if apache should crash or go off, is it possible ??


1 Reply


I wish varnish serve static pages in the cache even if apache should crash or go off, is it possible ??


Absolutely. … kends.html">


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