Failed to modify server : The virtual interface IP problem

hi everyone

i tried using webmin/virtualmin to create a virtual server at 64.6x.x12.xx (and btw it is eth0:3 and its status is UP), i got the following message:

Failed to modify server : The virtual interface IP address is already in use

not sure how to fix this or why it is showing. anyone any clues?

i'm trying to get apache to use the above. my other virtual domains on the shared ip is ok…

best and much thanks


3 Replies

Are you trying to use/install SSL encryption as well?


Are you trying to use/install SSL encryption as well?

yes, I'm trying to do that. any advice?

Well, only one SSL-enabled web-site is allowed per IP. This means that you are trying to install it on an IP that already has an SSL web-site.

Last-time I used VIrtualMin, there was a bug that even if you didin't have any SSL-enabled sites you would get this error. Best just to configure SLS your-self if this is the case.


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