Multiple Domains One Linode Instance

Apologies ahead of time. I have searched the linode docs and repeated many types of changes based on what I have read.

I have one linode vm which has its own ip address. I am running ubuntu 14 and nginx. I have two domain names and

I would like the linode vm to serve both domain names. One of the domain names will just be static html files. The other will/is a python/flask web application. I can access the python/flask web application directly by browsing to http://ip.address:8000.

I may add more web apps in the future. Can someone point me in the right direction for getting domain names correctly mapped to each app using nginx?

I don't know what mistakes I am making so exact steps would be beneficial.

Thanks in advance!

1 Reply

What you are looking for are called "server blocks" in nginx and Apache calls them "virtual hosts"

Example one for instance: ~~[" target="blank">]( … er_blocks/">](


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