MySQL Error 1290: MySQL server is running with the -secure-file-priv
Error Code: 1290. The MySQL server is running with the –secure-file-priv option so it cannot execute this statement
Here is the query I attempted to run:
LOAD DATA INFILE 'C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/text.txt'
INTO TABLE database.table
I've tried looking for the file that has this option to try to comment out but have not found it. Is there something I can do on the query to get around this or does anyone know what setting to change in what file within the Ubuntu installation for MySQL?
Thanks in advance
4 Replies
I've found a little more information on the error and the consensus is that the secure-file-priv needs to be disabled/commented out. I have ran the query "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE "serverfilepriv"" to find the path and was directed to /var/lib/mysql-files/ on my Ubuntu server. However, going to this directory shows no files.
ls /var/lib/mysql-files/ results in no files listed and when using NANO against mysql-files it states it's a directory (just tested for good measure).
ls -la in that directory results in this:
~~![](<URL url=)
I'm logged in as the root account, is there something I'm missing that would cause this file to not show within the directory? Thanks~~