When we change the port number , our putty is throwing time out error


When we tried changing the port number for security reason after that putty is throwing Time out error.

Please can you help us with this issue.

we do have backup file but not able to understand how to restore that.

Please guide us asap.



3 Replies

Hi, after changing ports on your Linode, you will need to restart sshd, to make sure the Linode knows the new port.

If you have locked yourself out of your Linode, go into Linode Manager and connect via the Remote Access tab > Console Access and choose one of those options.

The command when you are in, is-

sudo systemctl restart sshd

Your local machine will also need to know you want to use a non standard port. You can create a config file for this-

Do a search for "ssh config file", and build a local config file for your IP/domain to be put in your local .ssh folder on your PC.


Check on which port SSHD is running now you can confirm this using telnet. Try to telnet old and new port

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