Long Lost Debian

Okay, this is somewhat off topic from Linode, but it's absolutely driving me nuts…

I'm trying to find a copy of the Debian Potato SPARC ISO, and the archive has every past version posted up to Slink… and no Potato :cry:

Seems to be the case with every archive I find, any one happen to know of a place to download an old copy? I need it for a really old sun4m box that isn't supported anymore by Woody…


1 Reply

/me takes shot in the dark

http://mirrors.usc.edu/pub/linux/distri … sks-sparc/">http://mirrors.usc.edu/pub/linux/distributions/debian-archive/dists/Debian-2.2/main/disks-sparc/

I don't see any ISOs, just floppy images and whatnot…



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