Hosting duel sites on one linode.

Hi everyone I would really appreciate some help! I am not very good when it comes to html I made a website in adobe muse and i had my friend help me set it up. the one site does not get much traffic. I pay 50 a month for a decent linode. So i was hopping i could make two separate dns' and have them run separate domain names. I had set up both dns to match up with the godaddy. I had the original website working great under the folder var/www/html. but now i don't know where the second site would need to be hosted. is there anyway I can make this possible or would i have to get a whole other linode?

Thanks in advance! anything helps :!: :?: :!: :?:

2 Replies

You could also peek at the tutorial here as well: … -debian-8/">

The two tutorials may be duplicate info but having a couple sources may help to make things a bit brighter.

Once again. Questions. Shout back.

I had a whole bit typed but shippinpie covered most of it.

Wow thank you so much guys! I will do more research and update you soon! THANKS AGAIN!


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