Logging usernames with qpopper...


I am launching qpopper with xinetd. (on a RH7.1 machine)

I need to log the username of everyone who checks their mail..

I have added this in the pop3 config file for xinetd:

log_type = FILE /var/log/pop3.log

logonsuccess = HOST USERID

And this is what's being logged to /var/log/pop3.log:

04/6/9@12:08:36: START: pop3 from=

04/6/9@12:08:37: START: pop3 from=

04/6/9@12:08:43: START: pop3 from=

04/6/9@12:08:56: START: pop3 from=

04/6/9@12:09:07: START: pop3 from=

Any idea on how I can get the usernames to pop up in my logfile?

2 Replies

It's been at least 2-3 years since I used Qpopper, and I wrote a POP before SMTP script that monitored /var/log to do it… I don't recall it being that difficult though, and the usernames were automatically being logged…

Just noticed this though in the manual on Qualcomm's web site…

> log-login

When set, Qpopper logs successful

authentications using the specified

string. Within the string, an

occurrence of %0 is replaced with the

Qpopper version, %1 with the user

name, %2 with the user's host name,

and %3 with the user's IP address.

Default: none, unless

–enable-log-login used with

./configure, in which case (v%0)

POP login by user \%1\ at (%2) %3 is


Did you compile it yourself? Maybe missed a option…


I have added this in the pop3 config file for xinetd:

I think you're looking in the wrong place. All xinetd is doing is monitoring inbound port connections - it doesn't know anything about POP3 authentication. That information is going to come from the POP3 server. You should be playing with qpopper configuration, not xinetd.

It's quite possible that qpopper is already logging to /var/log/mail.log or similar. Try grep -i pop /var/log/* and see if anything 'pops' up.


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