Linode Outage Postmortems?

Several of the outage notifications recently have mentioned post-mortems. Example:

Do these ever get written? Where are they posted? Can the statuspage incident posts be updated to link to the post-mortems?

I love that Linode takes the time to provide updates on ongoing incidents, so I don't have to open a ticket for what turns out to be a known problem. The only thing missing now is that last link of the process.


3 Replies

I think most are at has direct support for updating a closed incident with an RFO. I don't recall any instance where Linode has said it would provide an RFO and later didn't, but there have been instances where the RFO has taken significant time to create, resulting in many of the regulars thinking it would never come. The really big outages, like the DoS that happened over the holidays, get their RFOs posted to the blog. The incident you linked will most likely just have an RFO added to it and that's it. As I understand it, that particular incident was a result of issues within SoftLayer's network, so Linode may just be waiting for an official RFO from them before updating the incident. It's also possible that they're waiting to get the new transit configuration deployed in Dallas, so that the RFO can show that they've done things to prevent that from happening in the future.


Several of the outage notifications recently have mentioned post-mortems. Example:

Do these ever get written? Where are they posted? Can the statuspage incident posts be updated to link to the post-mortems?

I love that Linode takes the time to provide updates on ongoing incidents, so I don't have to open a ticket for what turns out to be a known problem. The only thing missing now is that last link of the process.


Post-mortem is now up for this outage. Sorry for the delay!


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