Bakup server image and reinstall with more storage?
1 Reply
You can definitely do this, but first a question - on your Linode Dashboard's storage area on the right side, how much does it say is free? If it says you have up to what you need, an additional 16 GB or so, you can just shut down your server with the shut down button, then add the free allocatable disk. You can find the steps here:
In regards to your question:
Anyhow I want to clone/backup mig current image an reinstall it on a new image with more space (in ex 24 GB) Is this doable?
You can clone your image by either using Linode's clone feature found along the tabs on the Dashboard, this will bring your existing disk to a new Linode you own, or you can run a command to copy your content over, such as Rsync. You'll find a guide for both here:
You'll find additional backup information here:
I hope this helps!