Will customer linodes benefit from Linode's new DDOS infrastructure?

Individual linodes are attacked specifically. This results in a null-route.

Will Linode's new DDOS infrastructure change this at all?

It would be nice if Linode could launch their own DDOS protection products, wouldn't you think? If they made it more affordable than CloudFlare, at least for 95% of the most common attacks, they could hit home run IMO.

What do you think?

3 Replies


Individual linodes are attacked specifically. This results in a null-route.

Will Linode's new DDOS infrastructure change this at all?

It would be nice if Linode could launch their own DDOS protection products, wouldn't you think? If they made it more affordable than CloudFlare, at least for 95% of the most common attacks, they could hit home run IMO.

What do you think?

It would be great to get $200 per month features for $20.



Individual linodes are attacked specifically. This results in a null-route.

Will Linode's new DDOS infrastructure change this at all?

It would be nice if Linode could launch their own DDOS protection products, wouldn't you think? If they made it more affordable than CloudFlare, at least for 95% of the most common attacks, they could hit home run IMO.

What do you think?

It would be great to get $200 per month features for $20.

Yeah. Or not necessarily all the features, but a bulk of them. At least some decent level of DDOS protection.

Yeah it will really beneficial.


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