Webserver redirect loop but only on Document root...?

Hi All,

Have been scratching my head for most of today…

The setup is rather simple. LAMP, a couple of virtual hosts…

Trying to force https on the entire site and as soon as I add any form of redirect or rewrite I get a loop…

Looks like my https calls are directed to http even though I can not see any config for that anywhere. So if I add the https redirect the loop occurs.

Looks like this does not apply when I call particular files form my Document root.

So there is temporary redirect but where the hell is it defined???

Really counting on your insight.

5 Replies

Is there a base URL (with http://) set in the application? That would probably cause the redirect.

Thanks for this!

Found something in magento database where the base url can be specified.

Changed the secure url to https and bingo! no loop!!!!

Looks like your Google fonts aren't loading when you view the site via https. This is because Google fonts are called via http. You need to edit the template/theme to change that to https.

You have:

link href="http://fonts.googleapis.com…"

It should be:

link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com…"

You are correct again.

Thanks for your help!


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