Network connectivity issues with host18

I have been having intermittent connection issues with host18. When the issue occurs I usually cannot even ssh to the console or to my UML directly. Based on the tracert's the issue looks like it is the host or something at HE itself.

Is anyone else on 18 seeing similar issues? I don't see anything special in my logs. I have had issues clear up after 30-40 minutes and sometimes I just give up and try the next day and it usually has resolved.

I created a service tag for this and it was closed without an answer so I don't know what is going on. I'm not sure if Chris is too busy or doesn't have an answer as it is a DDOS or something as others have mentioned.

This has really soured me on what I feel is a really good service for the past 4 months.

Any insight would be appreciated before I find to find another service to try.


2 Replies


Is anyone else on 18 seeing similar issues? I don't see anything special in my logs. I have had issues clear up after 30-40 minutes and sometimes I just give up and try the next day and it usually has resolved.
During the month of May was not a good month for HE, who had a few connectivity issues of their own, along with two DoS attacks that targeted Linodes on the HE network.

Have you still had problems within the past two weeks or so? Everything's been smooth, as far as I'm aware.


I created a service tag for this and it was closed without an answer so I don't know what is going on. I'm not sure if Chris is too busy or doesn't have an answer as it is a DDOS or something as others have mentioned.
When there are network issues, I receive a large number of tickets. I also will post an announcement when there are issues, but now I realize that the ticket you opened on May 23rd, I never did create an announcement. The packet loss during the time you had trouble on that day was related to a DoS attack.

If you're still having problems, please let me know – send me some traceroutes.



I had an issue with it last night where I was unable to ssh to the console or to the UML directly (I would get connected and they would stall). I didn't do a trace route last night, but pinged hosts 17 and 19 and they were very good. About 30 minutes later I tried and it was usable again with ping times in the 90 ms range.

I don't know if the issues are happening often or if I am very unlucky in the fact that I have issues when I am trying to get something done.

Would it be possible to put in place some network monitoring that could be displayed (and logged) so that we could know when we are experiencing issues and that we know you are looking in to it to alieviate the mass support ticket issues?

Thanks for the response, I know you are busy.


Have you still had problems within the past two weeks or so? Everything's been smooth, as far as I'm aware.


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