Missing database tables and fields


I am trying to migrate site A database and wp-content folder to site B, i have done this before up to 3 times on different domain but the issue now is that, the database of site A will upload successfully when i use phpmyadmin and through SSH but the tables will not show on either side when i view it.

~~![](<URL url=)http://i68.tinypic.com/33xhhyd.jpg" />


MariaDB 10.1.10

HHVM 3.11.0

Nginx 1.8.0

Linode 2GB

Thanks in advance~~

4 Replies

SHOW TABLES documentation > If you have no privileges for a base table or view, it does not show up in the output from SHOW TABLES or mysqlshow db_name.


SHOW TABLES documentation
> If you have no privileges for a base table or view, it does not show up in the output from SHOW TABLES or mysqlshow db_name.

I logged in as ROOT

Connect to MariaDB as the same user/password your WordPress installation uses to connect to the database (from wp-config.php). If that doesn't work, then it sounds like you did not successfully copy the data over.


Connect to MariaDB as the same user/password your WordPress installation uses to connect to the database (from wp-config.php). If that doesn't work, then it sounds like you did not successfully copy the data over.


I have done that, the issue now which is very strange is that i can't backup or upload using any MYSQL command even with ROOT user but i can access it using ROOT.

when i do mysqldump -uroot -ppassword DBNAME < or > /path/to/db/dbname.sql i get access denied error


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