First time looking into cloud-based VPS - a couple of questions

I'm not quite sure if this is the right subforum, so please bear with me. I'm looking to jump from ICDSoft's shared hosting to Linode, but I have a couple of questions before I sign up:

1. Will I be able to deploy my site(s) through git? Right now, I work locally, commit to git locally, and then push those commits to GitHub. Unfortunately, with the way ICDSoft works, I can't just SSH into my host and type 'git pull'. I, instead, have to jump through several more hoops to deploy and update, which costs me time and my clients money. Basically, I'm a bit gun shy/paranoid about what I can/cannot do since I'm used to dealing with an environment that I have very little control of (which is one of the big reasons why I want to jump ship).

2. A couple of my clients have contact forms which use the host's email to email a message to their personal accounts (I know… they should be using their site's email address, but they're stubborn). Will I be able to do the same kind of thing?

Coming from a very limited shared host experience, something like linode sounds almost too good to be true, so I'm a bit weary about actually taking the plunge. I just want to be aware of any unforeseen things which may trip me up.

2 Replies

The overall answer to both of your questions is probably yes with varying degrees of hair pulling and alka seltzer usage.

Running your own Linode is the ultimate in flexibility, demanding the price of your time getting it working the way you want. You would want to set up a test environment and walk it along until you feel confident you can make the switch. I email from my Linode, use Git, etc. but I doubt my deployment looks like yours. For one of my sites I deploy a standalone Java jar and for others they are Tomcat based war files.

If you're new to Linux Administration then you are looking at a really steep learning curve but running your own nodes is awesome.

Cloud-based VPS allows you to place on what you want on the server. Also, you will get boosting website speed.


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