Linode in Canada

Many of our Canadian customers are experiencing issues connecting to our Linode based hosts. It mostly appears to be related to outage in various Canadian ISPs like, rogers. However, they had ability to get to most common sites like Google, Facebook, etc. due to these sites having CDNs and servers located in Canada. Due to massive pressure from our business partners in Canada, we are forced to consider hosting gears in Canada to avoid access issues.

It appears Linode has no data center in Canada nor does Amazon. Any ideas why such a big gap exists from these two major cloud providers?

I hate to split our infrastructure across multiple cloud providers just to support Canada :)

Does Linode have plans for Canada soon?

Also, does anyone know of any site/tool that will show connectivity between any ISP at any location (e.g.Canada) to our Cloud Provider (Linode)? Asking our customers to do traceroute from their location seem to be really pushing their buttons.

Also, does anyone know of a high-performance proxy/VPN service that we can deploy for Canada in Canada so that in situations like this, we can have customers go thru a proxy service provider. I am wondering if cloudflare with anycast can be a solution, anyone has any experience with cloudflare's ability to use their fancy anycast DNS to provide connectivity to origin servers (in Linode) when a direct connection from the client is not possible due to ISP routing issues?

Just trying to crowdsource some ideas from experienced Linoders. Thanks.


1 Reply

The different U.S. data centers are not all on the same network, so you may see better results in one versus another. Some ISPs offer a web-based traceroute tool you can use without asking a customer to do one, but I didn't find one in a quick search for Rogers, Shaw, Bell, or Telus.


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