WordPress stackscript default username?
I've installed this without doing anything else, am I doing it wrong? 'admin' and 'WordPress' don't work and I've not been given a chance to create a username?
5 Replies
The first page of the WordPress install requests information I don't have and I can't find it amongst the documentation sorry.
For example (while in mysql as an administrator):
create database wordpressdb;
grant all on wordpressdb.* to wpdbusr identified by 'somepassword';
Database name = wordpressdb
Database user name = wpdbusr
Password = somepassword
Database host and table prefix can be left the way it is.
We'll make this clearer in the StackScript during it's next update.
It would be much better if the stack script would provide, or at least explain you should also set up a user for that mysql db.
really, the stackscript should ask for a username to set-up as well, if its already taking care of the database.