Getting nothing but "The plan you selected is not available" for all 1GB (Linode 1024) plans

I need to create a new 1GB linode in my account for my small business and I'm getting nothing but "The plan you selected is not available. Please choose a different plan and try again." I have tried all the server locations but cannot purchase a plan at this level. Can someone give me any advice on what to do next? Are these plans going to be unavailable for some time, or is this just a temporary problem?

3 Replies

Had the same issue, but it appears to be due to the maintenance for the Xen vulnerabilities I believe:

However all new Linode's should be KVM, unless you have a good reason to use Xen, so if you go to Account > Account Settings > Hypervisor > Change to "KVM".

You should then be able to create new Linodes.

Having the same issue here! :cry:

Though I have my default set to KVM and its refusing the 1GB and 2GB options at London and Frankfurt.

Hey guys,

This looks like it's a temporary issue with billing. libraryhost, monkeypatch, are you guys still on legacy (prepaid) billing? If so, you should be able to resolve this issue immediately by switching to hourly billing.

If for whatever reason you cannot, please open a ticket with Linode Support and they'll help you out.


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