Critical Xen Maintenance / Reboot Schedule

Just received another "Critical Xen Maintenance / Reboot Schedule" mail notice, scheduled for in a few days

  • date / time cannot be changed (during the day, a weekday)

  • will automatically reboot

this is of course very inconvenient (especially the fixed date/time).

I tried to find an official announcement about that in order to give at least a link to my clients, besides the mail notice, something official enough to deflect slightly the blame from my company to the host company.

But couldn't find anything here - is there an "official" page somewhere about the coming Reboot?

5 Replies

Thanks, it was in the mail actually :-/


I was wondering… if I upgrade my servers to KVM in a planed time, then they wouldn't need to be rebooted for Xen maintenance, isn't it?

My concern if how long could take KVM upgrade. Not just the upgrade itself, I'm informed about that in the upgrade page. I'm thinking about the upgrade queue… I've previous experiences about really long queues… Anyone knows if the queues for KVM upgrades are too long?

Thank you all!


I was wondering… if I upgrade my servers to KVM in a planed time, then they wouldn't need to be rebooted for Xen maintenance, isn't it?

Correct. I upgraded mine, and the KVM instances no longer were rebooted at the time that had been scheduled for the Xen instances.


My concern if how long could take KVM upgrade. Not just the upgrade itself, I'm informed about that in the upgrade page. I'm thinking about the upgrade queue… I've previous experiences about really long queues… Anyone knows if the queues for KVM upgrades are too long?

I no longer remember exactly now, but I think the Linode interface told me how many hosts were in the queue before I got to hit a final confirmation button. But if in doubt check with Linode support first.

In my case I upgraded one Linode in Newark and one in London, and I was first in the queue in both cases.

It did display the number of Linodes in the queue before the upgrade. I upgraded a couple of weeks after the announcement and there was no one in the queue. I'd be surprised if there was a queue this far along.


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