Need to double my disk space to restore from backup: Why?

I activated backup for my Linode and ran a backup and now want to restore. However the restore process said I need to allocate disk space by doubling my current disk space. Can someone explain why this is necessary?

Once the restore is completed, can a go back and reduce my storage to what it was before?


2 Replies

Answering my own questions….

Looks like a restore doesn't actually overwrite an existing disk image, but creates a new image altogether which co-exists next to the image that you actually want to replace. You can delete the old image and de-allocate the extra space again.

If this is not the case, please advise. Thanks. --- L


Answering my own questions….

Looks like a restore doesn't actually overwrite an existing disk image, but creates a new image altogether which co-exists next to the image that you actually want to replace. You can delete the old image and de-allocate the extra space again.

If this is not the case, please advise. Thanks. --- L

That is indeed the case!


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