Need More Storage.

Hi Guys,

Im told by my web Guru that Im down to my last 10gb of storage space on my linode. Id like to buy more. Currently i pay $25 per month which i guess is linode and backups.

What are my options please ??

Im ok for cpu etc its just storage. Is there an option to buy more storage or is it a jump to the next package up ??

5 Replies

You won't be able to add additional storage without upgrading the other components of the Linode. The only way to increase storage on a new Linode is by resizing it to a larger plan.

I just came here to ask this same question. Although I've been using Linode for . . . eight years, maybe? this is the pain point that is pushing me towards AWS. I just need 50GB or so of storage to analyze a dataset. I don't need extra disk/RAM/transfer.

Even though a while back we used to offer extras to incrementally increase individual parts like storage, they were more short term issues that unfortunately couldn't be priced to match our normal plans and ended up being phased out. It turned out that increasing your storage permanently basically worked out to the same cost roughly of upgrading your Linode anyway, so you would now just be getting all of the other resources for "free". We are aware of the high demand for block storage, though unfortunately do not have any options for that at this time.

maybe with ssd capacity per GB prices lowering, you could eventually revamp each plan with more disk space out of the box ? like with ram upgrades :D

Though still long way off from being able to deploy Samsungs 6.4TB SSDs with 1m IOPs and 51Gb/s … e_vmworld/"> :)

or Seagate 60TB SSD or Toshiba's 100TB SSDs … b_qlc_ssd/"> :)

> Twelve 8TB nearline disks would offer 96TB of capacity and need 96 watts when idling, versus a single QLC 100TB SSD needing 0.1 watts. That would provide such a lower TCO for a QLC flash archive that it could justify an expensive acquisition cost.


maybe with ssd capacity per GB prices lowering, you could eventually revamp each plan with more disk space out of the box ? like with ram upgrades :D

This has been done numerous times in the past and I would expect it will happen again at some point in the future when linode have larger drives in a sufficient number of their hosts.


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