rsync not creating subdirectories

I am using the following command to rsync files from my old server to my linode server. However this command is not copying directories beneath /home/example/dir1/dir2/ to my linode server. It is my belief that the -a rsync parameter should direct rsync to create those directories, but it is not happening. Do you folks have any ideas?

/usr/bin/rsync -auvz --stats --checksum -e "/usr/bin/ssh -p 1234"* .  

2 Replies

I figured out what was wrong. The command was not formatted correctly.


/usr/bin/rsync -auvz --stats --checksum -e "/usr/bin/ssh -p 1234"* .


/usr/bin/rsync -auvz --stats --checksum -e "/usr/bin/ssh -p 1234"* .

Yes that space can cause issue, I'm glad that you got it fixed :)


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