Writing an articles/guides for Linode

I'm not sure where to put my question. This category looks like something about questions and answers. So I'm just interested how it gets decided whether or not an author gets payment for it. If I write a guide on something linode VPS related. How it gets decided with the payment ? Should I consult with someone about the topics first ? I have quite few Ideas for guides. Would be nice to get a payment for that. My self-education might pay my rent in this way.

3 Replies

Seems pretty straightforward: https://www.linode.com/docs/contribute

> Earn $250 per article if it’s accepted for publication.

Rest of the page explains the process and their expectations for guides.

  • Les


Seems pretty straightforward: https://www.linode.com/docs/contribute

> Earn $250 per article if it’s accepted for publication.

Rest of the page explains the process and their expectations for guides.

  • Les

A little bit cloudy. With that "If it gets published". I'm not feeling like writing on those open topics(well maybe I could do about gaming servers) But there are other topics on which I could make detailed nice guides. Maybe I should consult with someone before writing, not sure who.

Email contribute@linode.com with the topic you want to write about and a sample. You should also check out https://www.linode.com/docs/github-guide


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