Only front page showing after moving to a new linode
I've moved a WordPress website from a 1GB Linode running Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.1.5-x8664-linode61 x8664) to a new 1GB Linode running Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.1.5-x8664-linode61 x8664)
The .htaccess file has been moved across and has the same file permissions.
I used rsync to move the files and db across, all of the file permissions and ownership seem to be the same.
I've refreshed my permalink settings in WP.
However - The front page and content are displaying, although the styling and internal pages are producing a not found error.
So it would seem there's some sort of permissions issue with accessing anything but the base URL.
Any help would be appreciated.
Many thanks
5 Replies
Try regenerating your cache.
Could tis be a module issue?
Going here
You can see that there is nothing in the cache. Yet the page source for the front page references a cached css file.
Can you try disabling any/all caching plugins?
So it's two issues. You're correct, the formatting was down to caching issues with the W3 Caching plugin. I should have checked this first! Thanks.
The remaining issue with only the front page being found has happened before ages ago, however I can't for the life of me remember the fix. It's a 404 error which would point to the page not being found rather than a permissions issue.
I'm going to start by checking apache2.conf.
Thanks again for your help.
sudo a2enmod rewrite
sudo service apache2 restart
Thanks again for your help.