What does my IP correspond to in my linode root?

Im new to system admin, and am wondering what my IP address corresponds to in terms of my root account. For example, when I SSH to my server, I can ls / and see directories bin, dev, home, var, etc… So when I load my server IP into a brower and see an empty "Index of/" listing, where do I need to go in my server files to add files to that web-root index? Hopefully what I am asking makes sense, I know this is a trivial question but I can't find where my web root resides within my server files, I've never had this much access before so I've never had to know this information before with previous servers. I thought it would be somewhere in /var/www/{sitename} but when I go to http://{my-ip}/var/www/{sitename} it returns 404.

EDIT: I figured out my own question

1 Reply

No worries, this makes sense! When you visit your IP address in a web browser, it communicates with your Linode and checks for a web server running, such as Apache or Nginx. It is then up to the configuration of the system to send the request to a specific folder. It can be based on any folder that is defined. If you've never set up Apache or Nginx, it shouldn't work in a browser at all. If you have, it's likely set up to their default folder which can exist in different places. If you find your virtual host configuration for Apache or Nginx (found typically in the service's folder found in /etc), you'll be able to tell what the directory is that it is set to.

Here is some information on how Apache works: https://www.linode.com/docs/websites/ho … tual-hosts">https://www.linode.com/docs/websites/hosting-a-website#configuring-name-based-virtual-hosts


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