Network unreachable

I recently rebuild my Linode and it was working fine. Over the last couple of days I have noticed that I have not been getting email and tried logging on to server to see if there was something amiss. I couldn't get in through my normal SSH route using Coda terminal and when I got in through the Lish Console, I have discovered that I am getting network unreachable messages. I have tried pinging the server IP address but no luck. Does anyone have any suggestions for things I could check? (I realise that is quite a broad question!). Other than updating the tzdata package and rebooting, I haven't changed any config files or installed anything else.



2 Replies

This is a fairly open ended question, and many different issues could be here. I would suggest contacting our support team to help walk you through this:

You'll want to review your network interfaces and make sure they are set up properly. You should also try static networking if you haven't: … iguration/">

mkorsak - thanks. I think it was a firewall issue. I gave up in the end and rebuild the Linode (again!). It seems fine so far, just wrestling with mail issues and gmail now!!


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