Slackware 14 image

Any one tried it ?

It looks that everything was ripped out of original image to make it as much lightweight as possible. Well I'm glad that at least slackpkg is working. So you can manually look for everything is missing And step by step resurrect it. To get httpd(apache2) working. I was only able by recompiling it. Slackware by default requires a lot more of manual work than most other distros and there is much to learn about everything in it. It has its own layout of everything. As well as habit to continuesly calling apache2 service httpd (the old name of apache service) and stuff. But on this image. Now solving if this specific image problems again and again after reseting VPS looks like time waste that should not exist. Support ignored the fact that image is infact broken. And apologized for that I have found it difficult to use and suggested me to use StackScripts. (which looked like hidden hint that I suppose to solve it for them). I see no problem in that just I'm not working for linode. I'm just a random dude. So those guys who ripped it that careless should to fix it. There is a ton of missing libraries that even executables that left in image requires. Haven't seen any bonuses or any kind of reward for making StackScripts for those specific linode made images.

8 Replies

v32, our Distribution Deployment team is aware of the concerns with our current Slackware 14.1 image, and we're working on fixing those issues as soon as we can!


v32, our Distribution Deployment team is aware of the concerns with our current Slackware 14.1 image, and we're working on fixing those issues as soon as we can!

Solution might be just simple as including all that is listed here to your image. Havent yet tried but that's what one if slackware irc masterminds, ttkp, uses: … ckages.txt">

And I think that your deployment team could use such open sources of HQ information which is based on many years of experience gained using slackware, instead of reinventing a bycicle.

their irc channel is on ##slackware

I learned there more about slackware in 3 days then using it for 6months on my own with docs.

Well you can setup a local VM of Slackware, then use

# slackpkg generate-template myslackware

then copy the resulting myslackware.template from /etc/slackpkg/templates to your linode, then run

# slackpkg install-template myslackware

then you are done.


Well you can setup a local VM of Slackware, then use

# slackpkg generate-template myslackware

then copy the resulting myslackware.template from /etc/slackpkg/templates to your linode, then run

# slackpkg install-template myslackware

then you are done.

This was not about how to hide problem of broken image or what to do each time after reseting VPS. It was about fixing image itself so there would be no need for fixing after each VPS reset. Thank you for your advice.

I thought it was about ethics in computing.



Well you can setup a local VM of Slackware, then use

# slackpkg generate-template myslackware

then copy the resulting myslackware.template from /etc/slackpkg/templates to your linode, then run

# slackpkg install-template myslackware

then you are done.

This was not about how to hide problem of broken image or what to do each time after reseting VPS. It was about fixing image itself so there would be no need for fixing after each VPS reset. Thank you for your advice.

I'm sorry about what you perceived that my response to be - but I look at it this way - I should have these templates anyway as its like puppet manifests or the like: Its better to have a mini image and a list/template/recipe to make it into the desired working install.

I did a migration of my linode before using the template system.

Why on earth do you think CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu have the mini installs for?

Admittedly, these distros have dependency tracking, but then I can't install things like transmission without pulling in the entire X11 libraries and GTK.

Slackware actually wants the users to have the whole hog installed. if you remove something, its up to you to make sure you didn't need it later on (or nothing breaks).

Ok. I'm done rambling.




Well you can setup a local VM of Slackware, then use

# slackpkg generate-template myslackware

then copy the resulting myslackware.template from /etc/slackpkg/templates to your linode, then run

# slackpkg install-template myslackware

then you are done.

This was not about how to hide problem of broken image or what to do each time after reseting VPS. It was about fixing image itself so there would be no need for fixing after each VPS reset. Thank you for your advice.

I'm sorry about what you perceived that my response to be - but I look at it this way - I should have these templates anyway as its like puppet manifests or the like: Its better to have a mini image and a list/template/recipe to make it into the desired working install.

I did a migration of my linode before using the template system.

Why on earth do you think CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu have the mini installs for?

Admittedly, these distros have dependency tracking, but then I can't install things like transmission without pulling in the entire X11 libraries and GTK.

Slackware actually wants the users to have the whole hog installed. if you remove something, its up to you to make sure you didn't need it later on (or nothing breaks).

Ok. I'm done rambling.

When installing slackware you can choose additional packages you can install it minimal too., but nothing forces you to do that. Minimal is acceptable to me, broken is not. How ever I hear that it got fixed and will be available. So I'm happy about this getting solved.

And about templates. I will use templates when I will be able to use linux. And starting to use templates before that will only leaves you dependant on scripts as well as not being able to understand linux itself. And step by step teaching yourself on how to make now problems instead of solving real ones. Exactly as now you suggested solution on how to "hide" problem. While actual problem is there where I have no access to fix it. And I see no point in trying to hide it. Ubuntu and other stuff like that looks simple because of additional layers of complexity and more layers on top if it not really solves anything. You end up solving the problems that not exist or the one made by your own fault, because best solution for you looks just hiding the problem.

Thank you for your worries, but I find it fun to do things by my self, and understand what is going on. And to manage 2 or 3 different systems I can manually. When I'll find best start up points for each of their type. Then I'll make templates with no hidden problems.

Now I'm going to check maybe they added fixed image. Which would be nice.


If you're still in need, we have our new and improved Slackware image ready to go. In the Image dropdown when deploying a distro, you'll find "Slackware 14.1" listed. It has much more of the packages that users have come to expect while still keeping it lean for cloud environments.


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