Using curl for Linode API commands

I'm trying to use curl to execute Linode API commands but I haven't been able to figure out how to have curl read my key from a file so that I don't have to enter the key in every command. This command works:

curl -u u:my-linode-key ' … deID=12345">' | jsonpp

However this command doesn't work as I would expect (the key is in the linode_key.txt file):

curl -u u:@linodekey.txt ' … deID=12345">' | jsonpp

I've read the curl docs but I don't see what I'm doing wrong. Has anyone else managed to do this correctly? Thanks!

3 Replies … url.1.html">

May want to search that for "password".

  • Les

You can supply the password via command substitution within the shell like this:

curl -u u:$(cat linode_key.txt) '' | jsonpp

Or you may find using the -n option and creating a .netrc file to be more convenient.

Thanks guys. Your answers were very helpful.


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