OpenVPN question - kernel module error message

I am trying to get a simple vpn setup to and from my Gentoo linode. I emerged the Openvpn software without trouble on my node and on my home client.

The Openvpn site says I have to do this:

TUN/TAP Setup:

 If you are using Linux 2.4 or higher, make the tun device node and load the tun module: 
mknod /dev/net/tun c 10 200 

modprobe tun 

However, unfortunately I get this error when modprobing the "tun":

www root # modprobe tun
modprobe: Can't open dependencies file /lib/modules/2.4.26-linode27/modules.dep (No such file or directory)

I am guessing that this is some module that was not configured into my pre-built kernel? Am I hosed? Is this something that I could address by getting the kernel sources and trying to build the needed modules? Anyone running Openvpn that could help me out?

Thanks much in advance,


3 Replies


When I ran the

mknod /dev/net/tun c 10 200

it said that the dev already exists.

Maybe the "tun" is already in the kernel?

I'm kind of groping here, obviously! Clues appreciated,


Tuntap support is already compiled into the Linode kernels.

Next! :)


Maybe you need the "tunctl" utility?

You can grab the latest here:

('s User-Mode Linux mirror)



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