How do I setup a secondary live development server?

I have my site up and running but I'd like to setup a second server for development. I'm not exactly sure where to start. Do I need to purchase a second Linode to do this? Any tutorials or help would be great.

8 Replies

You can simply create a new subdomain and virtual host for your web server if you don't need a completely separate development environment. Not ideal if you're hosting a business.

Yeah, I'd like it to be completely separate from the live site. Do I need to make a new separate account or is it possible to have different servers on the dashboard with a single account?

EDIT: Also is it possible to copy the image of a dev server to the live server and if so how would I go about doing this?

You can create as many servers in the Linode manager under one account as you like.

You can copy images using the clone function of the Linode manager or disk images but it's not the best way. You'd be better off keeping your code in a repository such as git and using a scripted system such as ansible to handle deployments.

Thanks for the reply. I'm just not sure how you create an additional server? Rebuild says it will destroy all data. Are there any tutorials that you could point me to?


I'm just not sure how you create an additional server?

Hi there rotaercz, welcome to Linode!

You can clone your existing Linode to another Linode, in order to use the second Linode as a development staging platform.

We've got a guide that can help you here: … n-profiles">

In order to create a new Linode, you can just use the Add a Linode link in the Linode Manager!

Thanks for the reply. How do you create an additional linode to the same account?


How do you create an additional linode to the same account?

Simply click Add a Linode in the Linode Manager, and you'll create a new Linode.

![](" />

Thanks! I'm getting used to Linode's UI. ;)


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