Bulk or cloud network storage linked to VPS?

I run a web app service from a Linode VPS. The service allows for user-uploaded content, and potentially a large amount. I would like to store this content somewhere other than the Linode itself.

Linode do not seem to sell bulk or cloud storage themselves. Ideally, I'd like to subscribe to a bulk network storage provider whom I can mount within my VPS like a local filesystem, so that the server code can write to this storage using conventional file operations.

Is such a thing possible, and if so, what providers might people recommend who sell cloud storage I can use this way? I am not needing to access the stored data by any public means - just within the VPS itself. I am also not looking for cloud sync services like Dropbox. Really, just bulk storage, accessible over the network, ideally through a filesystem mount or, failing that, a code library.

Thanks for any tips!

1 Reply

A lot of people seem to be happy with Amazon S3.

It's not a conventional file system, but you can use libraries to access it from pretty much every programming language. Moreover, you can let users access files on S3 directly instead of going through your server, so you can also save a lot of unnecessary traffic compared to locally mounting a remote filesystem.

A few years ago when Linode used to provide a lot less disk space, one of the frequent users of this forum (can't remember his handle) started a lengthy thread comparing various remote filesystem options. I think at one point he tried purchasing a large VPS (not much CPU, not much RAM, but a lot of HDD) with another provider at a nearby datacenter and mounting it with either NFS or SSHFS. See if you can find that thread if you don't want to use Amazon S3.


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