8-month Linode 96 contract available...
Unfortunately, due to some unexpected employment difficulties, I am unable to retain my contract for a Linode 96. I purchased it in February, so there are still 8 months left on my contract. Chris has allowed me to transfer the contract to another person, so if you are interested in a Linode 96, now is your chance to get one at a discount. Currently there are no Linode 96 servers available, so here's an opportunity to get one without having to wait!
The server comes with the bonus 50% Free Disk Space that is offered for one year contracts, so you will have a total of 6912 MB of disk space.
Eight months would normally cost $240, but I am willing to transfer the account for $200. Transfer can happen immediately upon payment, and I can take PayPal, or a credit card through PayPal.
Again, I wholeheartedly recommend and love Linode. As my earliest ability, I plan to return as a user.
linode AT wazdog DOT com
3 Replies
Best of luck to you man. We shall miss you
Bill Clinton
(aka Sunny Dubey)
When the job situation improves, I'll be back. You can count on that!
I have transfered the Linode 96, so it is no longer available.
Good luck,