8-month Linode 96 contract available...

Hi. I am currently a customer of Linode.com, and have loved the service over the last 6 months. The flexibility, freedom and ease of use are unparalleled elsewhere in the Virtual Server market. Take this as my hearty recommendation for Linode's services. Chris (caker) is a wonderful sysadmin, and the community here is extrememly knowledgable and helpful.

Unfortunately, due to some unexpected employment difficulties, I am unable to retain my contract for a Linode 96. I purchased it in February, so there are still 8 months left on my contract. Chris has allowed me to transfer the contract to another person, so if you are interested in a Linode 96, now is your chance to get one at a discount. Currently there are no Linode 96 servers available, so here's an opportunity to get one without having to wait!

The server comes with the bonus 50% Free Disk Space that is offered for one year contracts, so you will have a total of 6912 MB of disk space.

Eight months would normally cost $240, but I am willing to transfer the account for $200. Transfer can happen immediately upon payment, and I can take PayPal, or a credit card through PayPal.

Again, I wholeheartedly recommend and love Linode. As my earliest ability, I plan to return as a user.



linode AT wazdog DOT com

3 Replies


Best of luck to you man. We shall miss you

Bill Clinton

(aka Sunny Dubey)


When the job situation improves, I'll be back. You can count on that!


Thanks for your interest everyone.

I have transfered the Linode 96, so it is no longer available.

Good luck,



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