SFTP Limiting Access...

I have followed the steps outlined at:

https://www.linode.com/docs/tools-refer … nd-ubuntu/">https://www.linode.com/docs/tools-reference/tools/limiting-access-with-sftp-jails-on-debian-and-ubuntu/

to restrict the SFTP access of an user to a particular directory "within their home directory".

However, I would like to know if there's a way to give access to a user to a particular directory under "my home directory".

For example, I would like to create an SFTP user to look into my particular website only.


2 Replies

Can you be more specific? That's basically what that guide is showing you. Give read permission to the directory(ies) that you want the user to be able to access.

OK, here's an example:

I have an user joe. His home directory is /home/joe

With the above guide, joe can access directories under "/home/joe". For example: /home/joe/joes_website

Suppose I want joe to be able to view (and read/write as well) "/home/me/mywebsite1/", how do I do it?


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