Centos 6.5 or 7

I've been running Centos 6.5 (32 bit) with Webmin for a while with no problems. I just did a webmin update that messed up my webmin panel, so I am going to build a new 64 bit linode.

Is Centos 7 ready for primetime? I only run a few sites on my server and some wordpress sites. Nothing fancy at all. Glitch free webmin integration is a must.



6 Replies

I think this is more of a Webmin question (rather than a CentOS question). CentOS 7 has been out for a year, so should be ready :)

If a Webmin update messed up, I'd suggest you try to figure out what happened. Simply rebuilding doesn't bring a guarentee that it won't happen again…

When I used Webmin, I found their mailing list to be excellent for support:


Webmail will work fine on centos7

Thanks Sleddog. I should have elaborated. I had an issue with webmin and restored from a backup that had my current config and my old config. For some reason my current config was not getting backed up properly. So I was forced to run an old config. On top of that, I did the free upgrade/migrate linode offered and my 32 bit centos would not run on the new server without a kernel update.

After all that, I figured it best to start a new linode fresh. So it seems Centos 7 is probably ok to use. I am now wondering if any of the differences between 6 & 7 will make it difficult to switch over.



Thanks Sleddog. I should have elaborated. I had an issue with webmin and restored from a backup that had my current config and my old config. For some reason my current config was not getting backed up properly. So I was forced to run an old config. On top of that, I did the free upgrade/migrate linode offered and my 32 bit centos would not run on the new server without a kernel update.

Several things going on there all at once :) which makes it difficult to offer advice…. other than you can boot a 32bit installation with a 64bit kernel. My Linode has Ubuntu 12.04 32bit installed. To upgrade to the new platform, I set a 64bit kernel in the Linode manager. Runs perfectly. Not saying that CentOS will do the same.

> After all that, I figured it best to start a new linode fresh. So it seems Centos 7 is probably ok to use. I am now wondering if any of the differences between 6 & 7 will make it difficult to switch over.

CentOS 7 is certainly stable IMO. You need to ask on the Webmin mailing list about Webmin support for CentOS 7. Though I would think it's fully supported.

Spin up a new Linode, set it up and test it out. Once your happy, migrate your site(s), test some more, then swap IPs.


Webmail will work fine on centos7

Could you at least READ before spamming, spammer?

I did a move from Centos 5 to 7 - the major change was that it now uses systemd. You'd do well to read up a little bit on that: https://access.redhat.com/documentation … stemd.html">https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/RedHatEnterpriseLinux/7/html/SystemAdministratorsGuide/chap-ManagingServiceswithsystemd.html

Apache is now at version 2.4 which has changed some of its configuration syntax, but I think the old syntax is still supported. You might find that other applications (e.g., Postfix) have changed configuration syntax also. The other main thing I noticed is that chrony replaces ntp as the default time-setting daemon (you can install ntp if you have some special reason, but chrony seems to work fine with the provided settings).


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