pingouts and peering due to high loads

I've noticed that sometimes the load average for the last minitue on my linode shoots through the roof, getting so high that outgoing TCP connections on the machine drop, ping timeout, or are "reset by peer".

How do I find out what is causing these huge load averages?

I've recently upgraded my linode, and they don't seem as bad now as they

were before, but they do still occur - how do I stop them,

or at least, find out what is causing them?


2 Replies

Its probably them crazy gentoo users wasting CPU time compiling everything :D

Yep, it was me.

I decided to compile OpenOffice 4 times concurrently.

And then three days later when it's finished, I unmerge them and do it all again.

Just for fun.

Because I can.

Take that, silly non-Gentoo users.



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