Do you have to reboot after an IP Swap?

I needed to take a server down for maintenance (upgrade to KVM), so I setup a new server with a maintenance page. I swapped IP addressed. After about 15 minutes neither server was online. The documentation states it would be brief, but could be up to 10 minutes. I decided to reboot the server and it came online after that.

So do we need to reboot after an IP swap, or was it a coincidence and took longer than Linode state?

Their documentation does not say to reboot … -addresses">


5 Replies

On swapping the IP back I rebooted right after the swap and they came back up within a minute or so. So I guess it does need a reboot.

That depends on your setup, new linodes have hot-swappable IPs so in theory no you don't, however a reboot will cause DHCP/Network Helper to pull in the new address so you don't have to reconfigure it manually (or re-request from DHCP).

Maybe its the OS I am running that needs a reboot? So the network is restarted? Because I definitely need to reboot to see any website come up.

It depends if you have an old linode you may need to enable hot-swapping under the network tab. It also depends on your network config, sounds like you're using dhcp or network helper which in that case rebooting is easiest.

Just occurred to me maybe a "service network restart" would be enough. I'll try to remember to try that next time before trying a reboot.


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