Configuring DNS record to point to local home address?

Hello, I own a single Linode server I use for hosting various websites. I'd love to use my server's address or possibly a domain name to point to my local address.

Why? I have a large circle of friends who wish to play some games online. I'd love it if I can use my home dedicated server I setup to host our games. It would be in my best interest not to use my home's external address but I haven't completely ruled out not using it. I'm just curious if it's possible.

TL;DR: I'd like to setup either one of my domains or server's ip address to point to my local ip external address on certain ports. Thanks!

PS: I'm aware of Just browsing my options.

3 Replies

You can create an entry in Linode's DNS manager pointing to your home IP address. For example, if you are using, you could create a "gameserver" entry which people would reach via If for some reason this is impractical to do manually, you can use the Linode DNS API to keep it updated. Note that the DNS zone files are generated at 0, 15, 30, and 45 minutes past each hour, so changes won't take effect instantly.

Edit: also, when changing DNS entries it may take some time for them to propagate; adjust your TTL accordingly. Just to be clear, Linode allows you to have DNS entries that point to a non-Linode IP address.

Perfect! Thanks for the answer! I'll give it a spin.

For all those curious, it worked. Thanks again!


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