ToS Violation - Phishing Website

Our server has been reported to run a phishing website. The problem is that support doesn't provide any details on the report, and thus fixing the problem (if it even exists - as google says nothing about our ip on spam or phishing) will be as looking for a needle in a haystack.

Moreover, the server ports are now filtered by firewall, and it is not possible to access it using SSH. The only way to fix that is to use AJAX console, which is extremely inconvenient.

I replied 30 minutes ago in the ticket, but no one still replied. The VPS that is now inaccessible is our main development server, and the work is now stopped as well.

The reason that we didn't reply to the ticket immediately is that the person who is the main contact for the server was traveling and didn't have access to his email.

The question is, how to get more details on the phishing report and how fast is support? I mean, how soon will they turn on the server back?


11 Replies

More than 1 hour has passed and no one even takes care of the problem. Great service :(

Every company has high-volume periods, it's almost somewhat ironic that you're talking about the delay from support but expect them to necessarily have enough time to approach an issue in the forums, more so when it's already been noted to have a ticket open.

Also are you sure -they- blocked you out? As far as I thought linode shuts a node down if you don't respond in time to an abuse report, not just firewalls it, have you made sure whatever reportedly compromised you didn't mess with your system's ability to SSH in from the outside (perhaps as an attempt to make it harder for you to fix it)? If you can access it via Lish I'd say use that venue to at least confirm something hasn't been screwed with to block your access from the public IP.

I'm not expecting them to reply on forum. I'm trying to make this issue public. Such companies should take care of their reputation.

As of the issue. Yes, all ports are filtered out. They shut down the VPS as well, but after I started the server, it is not accessible from outside, as well as it cannot access other hosts itself. Lish is ok, it works, but it the terminal mode is very limited.

Ok, they finally replied.

Same issue. Takes them HOURS to respond even after we have resolved the issue. They are quick to block network access but extremely slow at uplifting the block.

If anyone is serious about their business, they might want to steer away from linode for their extremely unresponsive support.


If anyone is serious about their business, they might want to steer away from linode for their extremely unresponsive support.

I've only experienced the finest support of any VPS provider with Linode.

I filed a trouble ticket today about my linode not booting. Two minutes later, Caker himself replied to the trouble ticket stating that he had fixed it. I don't see how you can get any more responsive than the CEO himself of a large hosting company fixing your trouble ticket two minutes after filing it.

If you've got an urgent issue that you want to escalate, you can always call them on the phone. They have a variety of phone numbers posted on the contact page:

Hello Support,

My linode server is completely blocked, I am not able access website neither by ip address nor by domain name.

Also I am not able connect through SSH.

Please guide me how to restore my server completely and install procedure of WHM and Cpanel.

Site Url :

Thank You.


Hello Support,

My linode server is completely blocked, I am not able access website neither by ip address nor by domain name.

Also I am not able connect through SSH.

Please guide me how to restore my server completely and install procedure of WHM and Cpanel.

Site Url :

Thank You.

this is not a support forum, it is a community forum. you should open a support ticket

My server was hacked last month. It was spewing spam. They were responsive but it is not their responsibility to determine my server problem or yours if you don't have a managed account. I had to solve my own problem. But that is oK. You are very unlikely to beat Linode based on my 20+ years of experience.



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